Tuesday, 13 August 2013

4th - 6th June, 1947 - Very little crime at Tubas... but Ron hopes that will all change soon!

Wednesday, 4th June, 1947
This Post is apparently in control of a very crime free area there being seven cases reported last month.
We rather suspect the Moktars are not reporting crime & in the contraband section which is common knowledge, bribery & corruption has set in.

We are hoping to get quite an amount when the Patrols start out.

Mr Middleton came down today to look around the station, he found it to his liking.

Thursday, 5th June, 1947
Mr Proud D.S.P. has gone to Jerusalem so Nablus breathes more freely now I suspect.

Mr Tatum in the grand procession of inspections we are expecting the station to receive, came down this morning.

As is typical of him when he is pleased he passed little comment.

Friday, 6th June, 1947
We have been getting up early every morning this week.

I have been going to the office but there have been no cases so there has been very little to do.

I helped the corporal to make up his weekly returns then I balanced my mess accounts.

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