Tuesday, 13 August 2013

7th - 11th June, 1947 - First case since the move and Ron continues his Arabic studies...

Saturday, 7th June, 1947
This afternoon Ryan McShannon & I walked to Tubas a matter of 5 miles along the very bad road which runs past the station to Jenin.
The village is quite large with some quite well built houses but the roads are very poor.

Sunday, 8th June, 1947
I spent the day learning Arabic.  I started to study how to write it today but I fear it will be a long time before I achieve very much in that direction.

Monday, 9th June, 1947
The first case reported to the office since I have been here came in this morning from the A.D.C. who reported a farmer only notifying the tax recorder of his ownership of 5 out of 8 cows.  Not a very  important case but something.

Tuesday, 10th June, 1947
Nothing to do in the office today but learn Arabic and straighten my messing accounts.

The mess is showing a profit up to now which is quite good for a small establishment.

Wednesday, 11th June, 1947
I learnt more Arabic today otherwise there was very little work.

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