I was “I.C.” convoy today and after the trouble of yesterday as a
result of the rain it went throughout the day very smoothly.
I am “I.C.” again today.
Convoy. B/C Bicknell I.C.
After Convoy today we went to the dentist and had the finishing
touches put to our teeth which included scaling and polishing.
Convoy. Very hot but
uneventful. I was I.C.
I had my first fresh apricots today.
They are not quite ripe but in a week or so should see them so.
We obtained them from Walads standing in the side of the road as our
convoy passed through one village.
Starting with a price of 50mils a dish we finally after several
startings of the engine obtained them for 30mils.
B/C Bicknell & I decided to give up smoking today. I wonder if we have will power enough.
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