Monday, 3 June 2013

26th - 28th April, 1947 - Ron receives good news about a potential job and a good shake up along the Jiftlich track....

Saturday, 26th April, 1947
I was “I.C” Convoy today.

The weather was fine & we had a quite pleasant trip.

I got my application for an “I” Branch job back today.  I have been promised the first vacancy.

Sunday, 27th April 1947
Today the weather was rather warm with light breezes blowing.  I was off duty & spent my time in the billet which is about all there is to do in a place of such lack of social life.

Monday, 28th April 1947
Starting from the Police Station at 8 O’clock this morning, B/Cs Bicknell, McGill, Blondy (Driver) & myself took the Jiftlich track ‘En Route’ for Bey San[1].
Pioneers of Kibbutz Ein Hanatziv settle in Bet She'an, 1946
  This was not as it some [soon?] became evident, a very pleasant journey as although the road to Jiftlich is very rough in places, which was emphasised by the empty troop carrier truck , it was preferred to the smooth dusty sand of the road running parallel to the Jordan to Bey San.  The clouds of dust choked & blinded those of us on the back of the truck so that we had to tie our handkerchiefs around our faces bandit style.  The dust track gave way to the roughest road I have as yet travelled and which we feared would tear the new truck to pieces.  On arriving at our destination & fulfilling our business there we obtained permission to return to
Nablus by the main road which lay through some Jewish Colonies.
I received my pay today and hopes for ‘I’ Branch.

[1]Bey San or Bisan is now known as Bet She'an and was allocated to the Jews under the Partition arrangements at the end of the British Mandate.

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