Monday, 13 January 2014

18th and 19th February, 1948 - Ron goes out snapping and takes issue with a young bird hunter.

Wednesday, 18th February, 1948
This morning when we awoke the sun was shining brightly so we just had to get dressed and go out for a walk.

I first called Bob Matthews and we each took our cameras for a walk around the Colony before lunch.
We came back with a hearty appetite for our lunch and the heat of the sun coming up the slight incline before the billet made us perspire.
I met Mr Pattle on the walk.  He is my old Station Officer and is going home on Saturday.  He said that he had heard from H.Q. that between now and May 1st 800 of us are going home and in the first 2 days of May there are 5 ships each carrying 500.  Roll on May.

Thursday, 19th February, 1948
I dislike the shift I am working this week as the morning is too short for anything useful to be done in it, and the evenings as I have said before are too cold here to be enjoyed.

This afternoon I saw a boy with a bird in his hand.  He had just shot it with a catapult.  I took it from him and began to chastise him for doing such a thing.  He laughed at me and said “you kill men, I kill birds.”  That is what this boy is thinking.  What sort of man will he make?  What sort of country will he be a man in?  What Religion is this that allows his thoughts to run ungoverned in this way?

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