Saturday, 23 March 2013

12th & 13th March, 1947 - Two rather contrasting escort experiences and a close call for the Super.

Wednesday, 12th March, 1947
Today though chilly at first cleared up and became very warm by mid-day.

This morning I accompanied as escort, the convoy.  The journey of 120 Kilos was a rather hair raising experience as the driver, apparently unconsciously, drove at such a speed that the canvas hood, put up to shield us from the wind held on very insecurely by odd pieces of cord & wire, persisted in breaking loose in odd places so that between keeping ourselves on, the canvas on and keeping clear of flying cords, we had a full time job on.  At one stage we gave it up as hopeless & resolved ourselves to the uncomfortable but safe position on the floor.  The wireless operator’s batteries then broke loose as also did his description of the driver.

Thursday, 13th March, 1947
I don't know if this is the type but ...
This morning I was called out on my first personal escort duty.  The Superintendent drove the “Chevrolet” with myself seated comfortably beside him.  After travelling the Jenin road on the back of a 15cwt truck the same journey in this car seemed a joyride.  Instead of dropping into every pothole we seemed to glide over the top of them.
The police post we visited in which I found Eric Carter, is reputed to be the best in the country.  Whether it is unusual to receive visitors at the post or not I do not know but I was told by Eric that on the approach of the Super the alarm was given & Carter found himself on top of the tower ready to man the Bren gun.

We had an Arabic lecture this afternoon from an Arab who not only speaks English but has a system of presentation.

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