Monday, 25 March 2013

14th - 16th March, 1947 - Escort duties continue then to local Cinema and sight seeing...

Friday, 14th March, 1947
This morning commencing dull & oppressive developed into heavy rain from 8am to 12 midday.

During this time I was on escort to a Ford 2 car carrying a B/C on the first part of his journey home on compassionate leave.  This took us to Ramle just south of Lydda[1]

On the Main road I saw my first signs of Martial Law.  At every second telegraph pole a ‘Bren’ position has been set up along the road, which is buzzing with army trucks & cars, four of the former we saw over turned in the side of the road.  Every truck that passed us sent up a shower of mud after it which gave the windscreen wipers great pleasure in smearing evenly over the window.  The driver had to get out and de-mud the screen at one time.

[1]Now know as Ramla and Lod

Saturday, 15th March, 1947
A fine day on which I was not called upon for duty.  I spent the time reading and answering letters.

In the evening I decided to sample the Wog* Cinema.  It was only the width of the screen but quite a respectable length.  We “honoured” the cinema by sitting in the best seats, wooden benches which were otherwise unoccupied.  The cheaper seats were quite full.  The two films shown were “South of Cata Fey[Santa Fe]” & “South Carolina” both Cow Boy.
Jacob's Well

Sunday, 16th March, 1947
A lovely day today.
I was called out just before lunch to join five others to a truck which went to Kilo 41, the District Boundary, to pick up the Chief Secretary who went to lunch with the District Commissioner. 
After lunch, Graham & I went for a walk to see Jacob’s Well on the outskirts of Nablus.

*Usual apologies for racial language!

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