Monday, 4 February 2013

17th January, 1947 - Ron on night guard duty... the first of many.

Friday, 17th January, 1947
A very good night on guard.  Cold wind but dry.  T.A.C. from 8 – 10pm could not speak much English & was inclined to be lazy.  I slept from 10pm – 2am then went on guard from 2am to 4am with a new T.A.C.  This one was very cheerful and wide awake & spoke very good English.  He was a Moslem and told me of his religion.  I told him of English ways of farming.  This last guard soon went by.  Came off at 6 o’clock.

Mugshots of Menachem Begin, arrested 1940
Commander of the Irgun from 1943 - 1948
No P.T. Inspected on Parade by B.I. Trehern - not too good a turn out.  Blanchard displeased, so stiff Drill.  Fine all day.  Heard that N.M.O.[1] has declared they will kill any policeman they find, where the chances of their being caught are few.  Not a new threat however.  C.I.D. Bulletin report Arab castrated after acquittal on charge of raping Jewish Girl.  Jews in trucks.  [ - Can't say I really understand this remark!]  Wrote home (3).

[1] The NMO, or "National Military Organisation in the Land of Israel" was also known as The Irgun.  This was regarded as a terrorist organisation with the Zionist goal of creating an Israeli state - it's logo; a fist gripping a rifle, with the legend 'Only Thus'.  The Irgun Commander in Chief at this time was Menachem Begin - later to become 6th Prime Minister of Israel

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