Monday, 11 February 2013

27th & 28th January, 1947 Ron reports on recent Irgun activity...

Monday, 27th January, 1947
Ron's sister, my Auntie Joyce,
and his Mum, Florence Gladys
with Biddy and Chang the Pekinese...
Slept from 12 midnight to 4am when I did the second part of my guard.  Cold wind still blowing.  Received a copy of C.C.O.[1] today.  Heard today that at 5pm yesterday a retired British Major[2] in Jerusalem had been abducted by the Jewish Terrorists.  Also today 8 of these terrorists, armed, entered a District court Session in Tel Aviv & abducted the President of the Court.  Unofficially I heard today that 12 airborne Soldiers had been abducted with a threat that they will be “Publicly” hung if the death sentence on the captured terrorist is fulfilled.

Heard from Joyce today.

I am on “stand to” tonight.
Still on sick list.

[1] Not sure what C.C.O. refers to - anyone know?
[2]Reported in Hansard, and In the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Major H. A. I. Collins was abducted from his Jerusalem flat.  Judge Ralph Windham was abducted in Tel Aviv by eight armed men.

Tuesday, 28th January, 1947
Raining this morning  - no parades.

Had lecture at lunchtime by the Chief Padre of the Palestine Police.

We were told today that the High Commissioner had summoned the two leaders of the Jews in this country & gave them an ultimatum in so much that if by 12.13pm tomorrow the Judge and Major abducted were not returned, certain areas of Palestine would be put under Martial law.

I have reported sick again twice today with no improvement.

This evening the car used in the abduction of the judge in Tel Aviv was found in North Haifa.

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