Monday, 11 November 2013

24th - 26th October, 1947 - Ron is troubled by the locals and his best laid plans go awry...

Friday, 24th October, 1947
The trades people (if one can call them that) are a damned nuisance.  A long line of taxis we have to pass and each one in turn asks us if we need one.  Walking along with cameras in our hand does not make us immune to the professional camera man who can’t resist pestering us.  Beggars are very numerous but not too persistent in their requests for “Bucksheesh.” 
The boy driving his flock of turkeys...
After snapping a boy driving a flock of turkeys through the street the other day he was quite put out when we would not pay him.  The traffic laws if any seem never to be complied with here and it is hell at times in a busy street, nearly mad from hearing harmonising horns on the high speed American cars.

To day we went out in the yacht but as there was veritably no wind had to give it up.  The Arab skipper was to have today off so I rather think he was a bit cunning.

Went to see “The Batman” - “More full of action than the American comic.” – We found at the end it was a serial.

Saturday, 25th October, 1947
Joe and I wandered around town this morning looking for suitable subjects to photograph.  We went to the docks where we were told that photographing was not allowed.

After lunch Erica came to the Pension and John returned bearing a note for me from Dorothy in which she said she had developed flue & would be unable to come to the dinner & dance as we had planned.
I'm guessing Erica took this one...
...and here she is - Erica...
Erica, Joe, Rich, Stan & I went out in her 18’ foot yacht and enjoyed a pleasant sail.  Joe was unfortunately sick just before we entered harbour.
I went alone to the cinema tonight and who should sit in the next seats but one, Joe & Erica.

Sunday, 26th October, 1947

I went up to see Dorothy this morning & found her still ill, no arrangements could be made for tomorrow evening.  She liked the photograph & wrote on my copy. 
"To Ron -
Here's wishing you
good luck, and many
more Happy Holidays!

This evening Joe & I went to see “Cloak & Dagger.”

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