Monday, 21 October 2013

25th - 28th August, 1947 - The impressive Welsh Guards, some real crime and a taste of the Jordan...

Monday, 25th August, 1947
An eventful day at the station.  The Palestinian Corporal came back off leave and is probably remaining here as the Inspectors relief when he goes on leave shortly.

The Army arrived at the station this morning in the persons of 40 Welsh Guards.
Inside half and hour they had pitched 4 big tents inside our perimeter wire and had the kitchen going.  By night fall they had the messes and many small tents put up.
The Sargent Major came in to have a shower and stayed for a bottle party with the Sarg. and some of the boys.  A major is i.c. with a Captain.

Tuesday, 26th August, 1947
The P/Cpl [Palestinian Corporal] reinstated today.  Mohd Kanan a bit sorry to lose his control over the T.A.C.s since the Cpl has been on leave.

Went for a walk down the Waddi this evening with Peter.

Wednesday, 27th August, 1947
I went to court this morning with the Inspector.
There we learned of a robbery which had occurred in our station area but which had been reported to Nablus Rural.  We went to the Rural and took over what turned out to be a series of three armed robberies on the main road.

We went to the scene of the crimes and found Sgt Blanks and the Divisional Tracker had finished their investigations.  At the point where the hold-ups took place the road is on the bend on the side of a mountain and it was down into the deep valley the tracker traced the robbers.  They followed tracks for 3 kilos then lost them owing to the nature of the ground.  When we got back to the station we found a wireless message from Jiftlich reporting another armed robbery by the Jordan…  P.T.O.

River Jordan
Again thanks to Harry C Farmer
Thursday, 28th July, 
… The robbers had stolen 85 sheep from 5 shepherds travelling from Beisan with 1000.
We rushed our lunch and raced off on this new case.  We contacted Jiftlich Police and the tracker scouted around until he found some tracks.  I drank my first drink at the Jordan this day.  The water is deep but appears to be muddy.
We followed the tracks in the truck for 5 kilos on the main road then they left the road and we walked three kilos into the mountains in the sweltering heat of the Ghore.  Then those too faded owing to the rocks replacing the sandy earth.

We returned to Jiftlich where the Inspector took very many statements and we dined before leaving at half-past midnight.

Today, Thursday, has therefore been a very busy day in the “I” Branch Office.
Two boys were killed by mortar bomb left by Army in the mountains near here.

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