Thursday, 3 October 2013

8th - 12th July, 1947 Ron's sorting out the Mess... and "Hooray for Chicken!"

Nablus Souk or Sukh
Tuesday, 8th July, 1947
A return visit to the scene of Sundays escape proved fruitless tonight.

The Contrabandees are probably shy of the hitherto popular track now.

Wednesday, 9th July, 1947
I went with Ryan to Nablus today.  We went to the Sukh for minor requirements & later I visited the Nablus Rural Mess Caterer who has a big mess.  I bought all his spare tinned food from him for our mess.

Thursday, 10th July, 1947 & 
Friday 11th July, 1947
No entries

Saturday, 12th July, 1947
The outstanding incident today occurred at dinner time when to the great pleasure of the mess, three chicken were served.  It is the first chicken the majority of us have had since we have been here.

Sunday, 13th July, 1947
After yesterday’s gourmandising we were disappointed in the dinner today as Spinneys [1] truck did not arrive with the weekly rations.  I had to send the mess boy running to get stuff for a quick meal as we delayed hoping the truck would arrive.

[1] I've linked through to Spinneys before but this is a Wikipedia entry about them.

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